Monday, March 29, 2010

6.1 mag aftershock hits the same night I claim to not have felt anything yet

For those of you who received my Japan updates, you may or (more likely) may not remember that a 4.9 quake hit my city, Yokohama, the same night I wrote that I hadn't felt any yet.

Well, the exact same thing happened here last night in Chile. I was sleeping and I was roused gently from my sleep by my room shaking back and forth. I'm a ridiculously deep sleeper so it was strong enough to wake me up but still pretty peacefully. Groggily, I thought, "Oh, that's a quake," rode it out, and then rolled over back to sleep. I hope no one ever depends on me to get them out.
Some others in my room were a little more jolted and panicked by the experience but we all eventually were able to go back to sleep.

Turns out, it was a pretty significant 6.1 with the epicenter down off the coast of Concepcion, where the bulk of the big 8.8 damage was and still is. But in case you were wondering, everyone's fine, there were no reports of damage to life or infrastructure, or tsunami threats.

Here is an article with more info if you're interested:

Amazing Race Chile today! Go Team LittleTang! (A fusion of mine and Corrie's last names, Tang and Littlepage)


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